Sound2Soul is a Live Music Yoga Project, founded by Ulrike Schablin and Atmika Yani Nörren. Both are yoga teachers who share a great passion for music and sound vibration.
Ulrike and Atmika have created Sound2Soul, a live music yoga class combining music, sound and yoga. In these live music yoga classes, the participant gains a deeper insight into the perception and the profound effect of sound and vibration on the body and mind. The session includes Sanskrit mantra chanting and targeted asana sequences, which have a specific and healing effects on the body and mind.
Music is the yoga of sound and is the state where different sounds and tones harmonise and fuse together. A piece of music can move us so much that it enters our soul and lifts up us. Why is that? Sound and vibration is a form of energy and that we ourselves are also energy. Our human body consists of up to 60% out of water; and water conductor for sound and vibration.
Chanting Sanskrit mantras has a powerful and healing effect as well as on the physical and the subtle energetic body. Mantras are especially effective in calming the nervous system and uplifting the mind and emotions. Sanskrit, the language of ancient yogic scriptures, has a very specific frequency. It has a high and powerful resonance on the human body, animals, plants and all existence.
The practice of yoga dissolves physical and energetic blockages in our body. As a result, our body is tuned and becomes more sensitive to subtle sound and vibrations of the mantras. The effect is deep healing and relaxation.
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Ulrike Schablin
Ulrike started with a classical ballet training in Berlin, followed by a university degree in sports science with the focus on rehabilitation. Since 40 years she has gained experiences in different body work trainings: power yoga, mental balance,Body&Mind, pre-and postnatale yoga and ®yogamedicine von Tiffany Cruikshank.She is also a facilitator at the SAFS&BETATraining.Despite of her profound knowledge, she search for something more. Something that everything unites - yoga.In 2007 Ulrike did the Jivamukti Yoga teacher training with Yogeswari and Patrick Broome (yoga teacher of the German Football team). She creates an easy comfortable flow into and out of poses by a precise yet imagery instructions that helps harmonising the alignment between body, mind and soul.After Ulrike’s class one feels strengthened and serene.